Dec 21, 2022

Most freelancers and small business owners are programmed to go, go, go. There’s always something on the to-do list: a new client to onboard, a draft to complete, some marketing or business development to focus on. As a group, we’re so committed to our ever-present quest to complete our next goal that we rarely stop to reflect on the goals we’ve already accomplished. 

So here’s another goal to add to your list for 2023: pause and celebrate your wins.

Why You Should Celebrate Your Wins 

Taking the time to recognize what you’ve achieved, no matter how small, makes you feel good and builds your self-esteem. And when you have that positive mindset, you create opportunities for more positive things to happen. 

You don’t have to hire a band and blast confetti each time you do something right.” Simply pausing to feel grateful and appreciating what you’ve done well will give you momentum as you work towards larger successes.

But it’s also totally acceptable if you want to shout your accomplishment from the rooftop or treat yourself to that gadget or gizmo you’ve been eyeing. 

Celebrating Wins for the Win

A significant win for the entire Unco team is the launch of our new Discord community, connecting 750 Free Agent Members with resources and camaraderie. We are pumped to see people creating new connections and opportunities already, and this is just the tip of the iceberg! 

As we continue to grow this virtual community, we’re excited to get to know one another even better and celebrate business milestones, personal achievements, and everyday victories – together. 

We want to give a shout-out to some of our Unco freelancers as they wrap the year with some amazing accomplishments. 

Alex Alcantara, Presentation Specialist, Content Producer; Co-Owner of Ruby + Citrine

We brought on new people so we can maintain a healthy work-life balance for everyone on our team. We’re hosting a wrap party to celebrate! I’m also celebrating the language and other new skills my son acquired since the beginning of the year with a trip to the zoo! 

Christy Blain, Creative Director, Art Director; Website 

Earlier this year, I was scrolling Instagram and a quote (thumb)stopped me in my tracks: “The scariest place to be is the same place you were last year.” I decided right then and there to trust myself, my talents, and my skills, and get off the work hamster wheel I was on. It was scary, but not as scary as being stagnant. I’ve enjoyed exercising my brain in new ways and strengthening my network, and I can’t wait to meet new people and gain new opportunities through Uncompany. So far everyone I’ve met has been so helpful, encouraging, and inspiring!

Erin Brenner, Content Writer, Nonfiction Editor; Founder of Right Touch Editing

This year, I fine-tuned my systems and technology to spend less time on administration and more time on actual work. I also let go of a volunteer role I no longer had time for. I didn’t really celebrate, but I did share the wins with my mastermind class.

Maari Casey, Founder and CEO of Uncompany 

So many great things happened at Unco this year: our Uncompany Portal, Uncompany Studio, and a new content team. I’m celebrating by telling everyone involved how grateful I am for their hard work. This year, my family and I ran two 5Ks together, spent a lot of time at the beach, and hiked to our fair share of NC’s various waterfalls. 

Kate Connors, Talent Relationship Manager at Uncompany

My personal win this year is becoming a mom of two while navigating a full-time job and learning the basics of being a circus coordinator (*wink*).

Mike Feral, Creative Director, Producer, Writer; Co-Founder of TopTop Studio 

A big win for us this year is evolving from a production company to a creative studio. We launched a collective, and with their help, we successfully rebranded and built our new website in October. We will be “officially” launching our rebrand in January 2023. 

Culbreth Jones, Graphic Designer; Website

I respected my value and my time more. Becoming a freelancer definitely has a learning curve, and it’s ever-changing. This year I was able to be selective with my jobs, and I addressed things with clients I would have let slide in the past. It was a huge win for me in many ways.

Sara Kauten, Art Director, Photographer, Content Creator; Founder of Luna Mae Creative 

I finished all my holiday shopping early this year and celebrated with an espresso martini (with a candy cane rim, of course!)

Crystal Milburn, Copywriter, Social Media Marketer

My wins for this year are that it’s my biggest year financially in the seven years I’ve been freelance copywriting, and I now have a team! To celebrate, I bought myself some things that I wouldn’t normally buy: a new iPhone and matching Reebok Nanos. Nothing extravagant!

Amanda Saber, Writer, Editor

I completed my first full year as a full-time freelancer after 15 years as a teacher. I now have such a healthier work-life balance. When I close my laptop to go pick up my kids, I smile because I know I’m done with work until tomorrow. It’s a daily celebration for me!

Richelle Stewart, Director of Client Services at Uncompany 

Professionally, I moved into an exciting new role with Uncompany. Personally, I consider it a win that I am feeling settled after moving across the country earlier this year. I tend to gloss over any accomplishments, big or small, so I am celebrating by making the effort to reflect on these accomplishments and giving myself permission to feel proud of myself. And maybe a few afternoon matcha latte runs!

Lacy Williams, Founder of Tailfeather Marketing

My win is that I told the world I’m open for business! This year, I launched Tailfeather Marketing, helping brands get to the heart of their story (because emotions bookend the decision-making process!). I’ll be celebrating with dinner at Stanbury (in Raleigh) after the holidays.

We wish each of you a fabulous holiday season and a successful start to 2023. If you’re not already an Unco Free Agent, learn about all the benefits of joining our freelance community. We’d consider it a big win if you join us.

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