This page is for our existing clients. This means you are in the club, you've got the members only jacket because you are a member. You can come back to this page whenever you want to check the "how to's" via the onboarding booklet or start a new job (Studio clients) via our Studio request form. 

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Studio Clients

Do you have a new Studio project to start? As an Uncompany Studio client you can start a new project at anytime for a start-up fee of $275 per project. Click the form below to get started.

Start a Studio project

OnDeck Clients

If you are an OnDeck client you can start a project, an hourly task or a contract via the Portal. If you need help from an Unco team member with your OnDeck team you can use the form below.

OnDeck request

Contract Clients

Maybe you need more consistency or want to test the viability of a position? It's time to set-up a contract. For a set-up fee of $275 per search you can have an freelancer dedicated to your business.

Find my contractor

Client FAQs

Client Resources

We want all your projects to run smoothly. Download and enjoy some of our Client Resources.

Freelancer Onboarding Checklist »

Staffing Calculator »

Scope of Work Template »